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       I am a Moslem man who got married to a Christian woman.very little about Jesus Christ, taking into consideration that she used to refuse to go to the church.

        As for me, I first started to think obout religion in 1974 when I had finished my academical studies. Questions arose in my mind like: which religion is the right one? Wich one leads to heaven? Which group of people have eternal life? Is it only those who are generous? What about the poor ones? How would they get enough money for chartable dees? I wondered too much but I never got the answer. And i.uke else, didn’t choose my religion. It was the parents who had a certain religion and, consequently, they passed this religion to their children.

How did I find Jesus?

         I was curious to know about the different religionsin the world specifically Budism,Confucionisme, Jehova’s witness. I adopted each of the latter religions for, at least, two years. But unfortunatew, it don’t quench my thirst for the truth.

         I even studied the Quran, and the prophets conuersat,on of different Islamic sects. But again I was disappointed to find out that some say god haomissed in inspiring Mohamed thinking he was all bin Ali bin Abi Taleb. However I was attracted by a scripture in the Quran that says (Youness94: if you wert in doubt as to what we have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the book from before thee…) . I asked religious teachers about this verse and the shi-it ( my- religious ) said that it was ali’s while the sumnt said it was Waraka Bin Nawfal, who was a Christian priest living in the arab gulf (Arabic saoudite). Anyway, I don’t want to judje others so that won’t be judjed as jesus says. All I want to do is to show the thruth, and anyone who wants to know can go back to the holy books and find whether god is in the Quran or the bible. Its true that both have talked about noah, Ibraham, Lot, Joseph and others…, but we shouldn’t ignore the mistakes found in the Quran . For instance its mentioned that Mary, Omran’s sister, and Jesus mother are the same person, while history says that there is a period of 1000 years separating both women. The Quran say’s that God is afraid of the scientist ( Fater 28 ). And I wondered whether god is really frightened by his creation or is the other way around. However, when you ask for an explamation  to this sura, they relate the mistare to the Arabic grammatical structure. The are many others aspects which you can consider as you compare between the Quran and the bible .

          Therefore , I turned to the bible. I started studying it resourced in my study. I learned every think about Jesus and his love and the way he died to save the people. No one has ever died for anyone, and I don’t believe anyone will, other than Jesus. 

          The exciting part of my story starts with a news programe called “ Panorama” tuned on Monte Carlo radio station. I was faithfull listener to this program every night before i went to sleep. One night I over slept before the end of this program, but woke up later upon hearing a voice saying” repent and  believe in the bible for god’s kingdom is near” I searched frantically for the source of this voice, and my wife woke up wondering what’s going on?  Actually she told me that this Jesus was turning me crazy, however, this voice was coming from the radio which I forgot to turn off, and the program was a bible study program. It   was   like  a  “cold water to a weary soul”. I patiently waited each night to listen to the bible study, and I started sending letters to the team there. The used to send me the answers to my questions, and I found faithful responses that quenched my thirst for the truth .

        The exchanging of letters went on for month is unfill I moved to a new village, when I didn’t receive any more letters. Therefore ,  I started looking for a church that teaches the same doctrine. My search was unfruitful, until one Sunday when I was riding in the village , i saw a growd in front of a building. I asked my wife about it, singe she teaches in that village, but she didn’t know. My curiosity  lead me to stop and watch the building. To my surprise, I saw the name of the church that I was looking for, however I waited till the next Sunday to visit this church, praying that god is leading me to the right place but god didn’t wait till that time. The following day, after I came back home, I was surprised by my son waiting for me at the door to tell me that there was a man waiting to talk to me . I found out that he drove a long distance in a raining night to give me a letter from a radio program of course , you know where it came from. But that’s   not every thing, this man told me about the church that i saw the previous day, and gave me the number of the pastor there to contact him and i did. Cosequently,  , the following Sunday I asked my sons to go with me to this church, but they refused saying that I have never asked them before so why should they go now. I told them to go just this time and if they didn’t like it they didn’t have to go again. Fortunately,  my family I liked the church, and we became members. Our life changed totally. I was Babtiled, and we became a praying family living to glorify God.  But there is a price every believer has to pay, for being god’s child. I was fired from my job for the name of Jesus even though my boss was a Christian. but thanks god who is providing for us and fulfilling our. Need in the name of his son Jesus Christ. And now I can say that god is my shepherd I shall not want. Amen .

                                                                                                               Fouad Nehme     

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